Logo Samples
Here you can find samples of logo designs covering a broad range of Metal genres, subgenres, and microgenres designed by Gerrit Rijken. Interested readers can find further information about specific genres by clicking on the sample logos. This takes you to an extensive genre guide with tongue-in-cheek commentary by the designer.
Says Rijken: “Each genre of Metal, of which there are many, has its own rules and aesthetics. As you can imagine, it can get complicated fairly quickly when you’re trying to get a handle on what’s what and how things play out visually, concretely, and pratically – especially if you’re not in the know. In order to facilitate understanding, I initially created 30-something logos, and then added about 20 more in the days leading up to the submission deadline, covering a broad range of genres and subgenres of Heavy and Extreme Metal music.”

Full Disclosure
With these genre samples Rijken tried to represent a broad range of genres as faithfully as possible, based on his own years of experience in designing Metal logos and studying up on genres that he was not too familiar with. The samples were checked by several musicians and artists in the Metal scene to confirm style accuracy and coverage (see our paper for more details). It may well be that you have other ideas on what these logos are supposed to look like. Maybe you do not think Rijken’s comments are clever or helpful or funny. In that case, please reach out through his email or by tweeting in his general direction.
(End of Disclosure)
- Tuesday, September 7, 2021: Added five (micro)genres: Blackened Crust, Crossover Thrash, Deathcore, Drone Metal, and Funk Metal, and added some additional writing.
- Monday, September 6, 2021: Added some new content as well as additional footnes and references, made some UX improvements.
- Wednesday, September 1, 2021: Fixed some more typos, added a couple more (micro)genres, added some additional writing.
- Saturday, July 31, 2021: Fixed some typos and placed the hyperlinks in alphabetic order for easier reference.
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